Electronic Point Of Sale

Dynamic Cloud-based Takeaway EPOS

Our bespoke takeaway cloud EPOS solution uses the latest technology and can be customised to your exact requirement. We can integrate the EPOS with card payment PDQ, barcode readers, RFID and many other features to make sure you have a easy to use and advance takeaway cloud EPOS.

Cloud-based allows you to have access to reports and management of the EPOS anywhere / anytime.

No long-term contracts with all our EPOS Solutions.

Cloud EPOS

EPOS Examples

Takeaway EPOS

Cloud-based EPOS for the Takeaway and Restaurant which includes kitchen printers, order management screen, card payment and till system. Our takeaway online ordering website is fully customisable.

Multi-store management and Up-Sell features are just a few dynamic features to help run your business smoothly.

Warehouse EPOS

Manage warehouse inventory and sales orders with state-of-the-art mobile barcode scanners using Android technology for real-time management of your warehouse.

Run reports and automate processes helps ensure managing your warehouse efficiently.

Retail EPOS

EPOS for the retail industry that includes receipt printing and have store / discount card with RFID technology integration are just some ideas for a advance EPOS solution for your retail business. Barcode generating and scanning functionality for easy checkout process.

Custom EPOS

Whatever your requirement for an EPOS solution we can build it. We use the latest development technology to ensure easy to use EPOS interface. Integration with advance hardware such as RFID, barcode, PDQ, etc.. will ensure your EPOS is as dynamic and functional.

Lancashire's #1 Restaurant and Takeaway Cloud EPOS Services in Blackburn

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